Sunday, April 30, 2017

Inspire Community Garden - 1st Raised Bed

 Today the first Raised Bed began to take shape on Inspire Community Garden.

                                                   Inspire Community Garden May Day Market Stall
                                                   Monday 1st May 2017

                                                   To Be Continued........................................................

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Inspire Community Garden - New Chesterfield Residents Volunteer

 It was lovely to see new residents to the area who were looking for some volunteering work on the garden.

I do like to show off the composting toilet that has now been twinned with a village in Uganda.

Gardening is great occupational therapy for myself and for others.
I started to put Marigold flower shootings into trays for the May Day Stall at Chesterfield Market.

We don't usually have a cuppa after the two hours done on a Wednesday but it was lovely just to sit down and chat at the end of the volunteer gardening day.

Great work done on the frame of the next greenhouse and it shan't be long before it's up and running.

Inspire Community Garden shall have a May Day Market Stall @ Chesterfield Market

                                                                   Date: Monday 1st May

                                                                   To Be Continued...........................