Latest News Update
Dear Supporter,
The Ashgate Road Car Park is now owned and run by William May Developments Ltd. of Beeston, Nottingham and a Car Park ANPR system is now active in the car park with the threat of £100 penalty notices for using the Car Park and without payment in under 5 minutes. A few of the visitors and volunteers coming to the garden, but not all, have received penalty notices but have not and will not pay these as they have not parked in the Ashgate Road car park. The company operating the camera system, Premier Park Ltd. of Exeter, are well aware of the problem and we are in discussion with them..
Our concern is that this will undoubtedly put people off from coming to the garden and needs to be sorted out very soon.
The growing beds are being cleared and many are now growing various types of green manure to enrich the soil for next season. We are introducing at least one 'no dig' bed next season as part of our demonstration activities.
Construction activities have continued with the digging of footings for our new secure tool store and maintenance workshop facility once the uncertainty about our future is decided.
We are holding our third annual 'Tree Dressing Day' again on Sunday 2nd December (always the first Sunday in December) and we invite people to come along to make and display good things for the wildlife of our garden to help them during the winter period. This event is open to anyone, with young people particularly encouraged to attend. No booking is required, just please turn up on the day between 1pm and 3pm. Please see further information below.
Our Christmas Social event is open to all friends and volunteers on the evening of Saturday 15th December, it will be a 'Bring and share' experience and we will require people to say that they are coming and the dish they are bringing. Further details, including the Chesterfield venue will be given when you book to come along!
We've decided to conclude our activities for the year 2018 on Sunday 23rd December with another social session at the garden between 10.30am and 1pm with minced pies, stollen, mulled wine etc. and merriment! Everyone is welcome to drop in! The garden will re-open on Sunday 6th January 2019 with the start of our preparations for the coming season.
Pre-Orders are rolling in for the annual 'Potato Day event' which takes place in an empty shop unit in The Pavements Shopping Centre on Saturday 26th January 2019. You have until 6th December 2018 to place your pre-order at discount prices.Please collect a leaflet from the Inspire Community Garden or at our website: Please see further information below.
We're doing our best to keep the garden and all it stands for in the community alive, we hope that the powers that be see fit to help us survive and continue to encourage the residents of the area to work together on this amazing community initiative.
Thank you!
Steve |