Volunteers are having fun doing the Morcame & Wise skipping dance on way to work in the garden!
The dance has given them the energy to turn over the soil to prepare the land for the planting of the Asparagus vegetable.
To Be Continued...............
On 19th July 2011, I suffered a subarachnoid haemorrhage after a rupture of a cerebral aneurysm. I spent 8 weeks in Royal Hallamshire hospital in ITU and HDU. I was transferred to the Northern General Hospital, Osborn 4 Neuro-rehabilitation ward for a further 7 months. I was unable to talk, walk and had weakness on my right side after a stroke. In February 2012, after a procedure called a Shunt, I began to walk & talk. These are my daily activities, memories and thoughts.....enjoy :)