Saturday, May 18, 2019

Inspire Community Garden - Plant Sale, Garden Open Times & Access to the Garden

Dear All,

We would just like to make you aware of the remaining plants we have for sale at the Inspire Community Garden.

Our opening times are listed in the block on the right hand side of this message and access is still available from the bottom of the Ashgate Road Car Park and also the foot/cycle path between Alexandra Road West and Chester Street. Please see the details below.

We welcome you to call on us to see our vegetable, herb, hanging basket and bedding plants for the coming growing season.
Plants For Sale

The plants we have available include:

Hanging Baskets plants: 

Surfinia, Upright and Trailing Fuchsia 75p each

Helichrysum Petiolare gold 50p each

Trailing Blue Lobelia Saphire - strip of 4 for 50p

Bedding Plants:

French Marigolds - tray of 12 for £1.50

Bedding Petunias (Paradise F1 total) - strip of 4 for 50p

Bedding Geraniums (Horizon F1) -  4 for £1

Vegetables and Fruits:

Tomato Plants 50p (Gardeners Delight, Tigrella, Red Cherry etc.)

Runner Bean Plants tray of 6 for £1.50

Climbing French Bean Plants tray of 6 for £1.50

Dwarf French Bean Plants tray of 6 for £1.50

Leeks strip of 12 plants for £1.00

Garden Herbs:

Chives, Rosemary, Thyme, Moroccan Mint, French Taragon etc.  all 75p each

Hanging Baskets:

Filled new Baskets are available for £8 with at least 8 basket plants

If we have filled your baskets and we are growing them on for you they can be collected whenever you wish.
Access to the garden
For some reason the developers have not yet started to build on the plot at the top of the existing community garden and we still have access from the Ashgate Road Car Park. This said, we do not recommend that you bring your vehicles into the garden car park due to the company managing the car park on behalf of the developers wrongly issuing a large number of Parking Charge Notices. We are currently in dispute with the Parking company and trying to resolve the issue.

Access via the gate on the public cycle/footpath between Alexandra Road West and Chester Street is also available and if the gate is locked please call :  07544 566560 to gain access.

                                     To Be Continued......................

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Inspire Community Garden - Various Runner Beans & Tomato Plants For Sale 15/05/2019

                                                             To Be Continued.................

Monday, May 13, 2019

Inspire Community Garden - Garden Visitor 12/05/2019

 The Robin is often joining in with the company when work's been done on the land.
(Robin pictures above & below)

                                                                    To Be Continued..................