Sunday, February 3, 2013

Tuesday 9th October

Good morning All My Reader’s.
It’s 07:30am for a beautiful sunrise for Des on his birthday.
I’m saying “Happy 70th Birthday to Des. XXX”
I hope you can all say it with me. Thank you all.
Des, have a very happy and joyful day today.
What a wonderful and happy, chatty weekend. Thank you Des.


Dear Mr Patel,
I had a long chat with David last night, he listened and listened at my questions.
My huge big question is for you, yes you Mr Patel.
I already know that you are my fantastic Neurosurgeon, again, I thank you.
This is the biggest question from me to you, not to Janiece who runs around for me, this is our personal job to do. YOU AND ME.


I know you are a superior NEURO SURGEON who has worked on my brain and brought it/me back to life. I thank you again, I could say thank you so many times and I would never get fed up saying that to you, BUT.

I think you will know my question and I think you will know the answer to me.
Is there one person or more people who:-
*** DESIGNED my titanium plate.
*** MEASURED my brain for my titanium plate to fit it.
*** MANUFACTURED my titanium plate, for my beautiful brain on my lovely head.
I can imagine people cutting and polishing my plate before it landed in my head. WOW.
Could I have the person or people’s names and work address as I think they all have such a special job to do on everyone’s brain.
That is a fantastic job that people do for us all.
Some people forget about the men and women in the background of the brain.
I think they all deserve a “HOORAH” from me and you.
You are the front man but they have such a big job in the background.
I would like to send them a card and in the card I would ask, could I meet them for a tea or coffee and shake their hand or hands.
I can see me already with tears in my eyes for the gift they have given me.
I know this will be easy for you to get me the name and address of work, but to me that would be the biggest job for me to find out who, he, she or they are.
I will keep them or him or her close to my heart just like you.
I thank you for reading my new job on my mind and I will thank you for understanding my words. People do need a pat on the back for their work.
A pat on the back may be the biggest gift than any amount of money.

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