With some leftovers from May?
I need to be thorough between the camera and the phone camera for the pictures, otherwise it's like this.....Leftovers!
This was a big, big stallion of a dog throwing his kisses all over my face, I laughed for the rest of the day. Glorious!
Most of us forget! |
I think most of us DO forget about all our Heroes from time beyond.
Michael & Nathan remember!
I wonder what this month may bring for me!
Yesterday, the last day in the month of May, I started my writing class, so this month I shall jiggle my head to start my brain to think and write, hopefully, better than before.
Did I ever write before.........................NO!
Shall I try now.....................................YES!
Yesterday, my writing request was to use the following:-
"Sitting in the empty room he/she......................!"
The words that I produced was:-
"As he sat in the room all by himself, he smiled the biggest smile.
He started to roam around his memories; he giggled to himself and blew his nose.
He put his tissue away and carried on with his little quietish giggle.
Suddenly!....................The door opened!
He couldn't really see who was there; but he could smell!
A well known odour, was it a perfume scent!
Is it someone he knows......................................?"
I needed to get back to the gym as I spent too much time eating biscuits to comfort myself!
Well, when I recieved my minutes from my meeting of the 9/4/13, there was a wrong name typed on it.
I noticed straight away..............Oops!
That's supposed to be my "Social Worker" ? Hawkins? Who the hell is Hawkins???
They must be very busy; no worries!
I'm still holding something back in my memory, it won't be too long till it arrives, I hope!
I ended up going to a Physio Physco night with Catherine, we got home at 11pm........oh naughty time!
Though Stone Edge was beautiful that night.
June 5th
I was taken to the Cromford Mill in Matlock with Jez and Simon
I was introduced to Catherine Ingram; she is the Chief Executive @ Derbyshire Voice.
As we were talking Catherine told me about people trying to "Section" her some time ago! WoW!
She is a strong person to talk about this to me! I'm GOBSMACKED!!!
She offered some cards for us to pick:-
"Speak your truth even if your your voice shakes!"
Simon and I picked up the same cards.............weird!
I met Malcolm and Donna at this meeting so we talked.
Talking is good for us all!
Donna was telling me about the Abseil that she will do for Ashgate Hospice, while we were all in the room I managed to collect £28:43pence for Donna; Yeeha!!!
I do talk a LOT!
I then met Mr Chris Wheway, a Mamager from Derbyshire Healtcare Foundation Trust who provides local mental health services.
My brain is definately collecting Info!
That was a very, very informative day. Phew!!!
I did another paragraph for writing then a little story; so here goes!
Paragraph: 7/6/13
TITLE: For A Long Time!
For a long time, I went to bed early.
It was July 20th 2011
I used to get up at 5am, I was a Breakfast Supervisor in a hotel in Sheffield.
My sister was at the gym, getting her fitness for the day.
She was leaving the gym, and heard her mobile started ringing again. As she left the fitness club, she answered the phone.
WELL.................................What a shock she recieved on the line!
The voice was a very angry voice, it was basically asking :-
"Where Pauline! Do you realise that she hasn't turned up for work? she!!!"
((Imagine the spaces there; as it was probably colourful!))
My sister cut the line off and raced home to the house, she had been in a rush as she left the house earlier.
My bedroon door was closed, she automatically thought that I had gone to work!
She found me lying in bed.
My eyes were in a focus, she was trying to talk to me, my speach was all Gobbildy Gook!
For a long time I have been in bed early.............For A Long Time!!!
The little story next was 11 pages long and about:-
A Split Up,
Real Dad........Oh! it did go on a bit so I'll just leave it just now, it was funny though, a story with all the avenues to take.
Here is a few comments:- The Wheelie Bin? They argue over Crisps?
Use your imagination............I did!
Well each week I'm still on the same story, it's becoming a Novel........I think!
It's fun stretching the brain to become a storyteller for myself.
Shan't be long............hopefully!
Pauline Quinn
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