Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Chesterfields Art Club Annual Awards Exhibition; What a Mouthfull !

Friday the 18th of October 2013
I was in the art class and members were showing their creations through paintings.
I spoke to the tutor and class about Julie H Winter; an Artist.
I mentioned how we met each other over the car breakdown.
The tutor put Julie's name on the board for anyone to take the name to look at her art work.
Then the conversation was about the Chesterfield Art Club Annual Awards Exhibition.
Hmmmmmmm! I may visit it !
Later I went out with Chris to get a particular shape and size of the canvas.
I'm going to play about with painting, I try to push myself every day for new experiences in life.
I do challenge myself to anything and everything, it's hard but I give it a go.
Once I've tried it with a big smile, I still go home in pain. (But still smiling!) I have too! I shan't fail!

The Art Exhibition to View!
Beautiful pieces of art, then I noticed...........!

.........................the cat painting is done by a class member; Well Done

Chris had so many choices to look at!

Aries and flowers!
TAKE NOTE! Have you paid attention to the weight that I have put on.................Arrrggghhhhhh!
That breaks your heart! 
It still annoys me that a Doctor put me down in writing that my diet has been inadequate.
Excuse my language; but it's true.

These remind me of Scotland out walking, and this one here reminds me of Loch Lomond...Hmmm! Lovely!

Chris and I then went for a nice refreshing cuppa at TcharTea Rooms.
We needed a cuppa after all the walking and the sights, I needed to rest my feet and legs.

Tchar Tea Rooms - Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Tchar Tea Rooms

It's a great lounge with live music in a relaxing atmosphere.

One lump or two!!!

I've never seen a T-Bag as Huge as that!
Great service........

..........and brilliant niceties!

Posh Biscuits....A-La-Moi!

The rain started falling and the sun was breaking though the clouds with a smile for another great day.
Another great day to bring the sun to shine.

Monday, October 28, 2013

HAPPY BIRTHDAY from The Specialist Stroke Services

Wednesday the 16th of October 2013

My new Brain Injury friend asked me if i'd like to pop along to the Specialist Stroke Services?
"Wooo!" I answered
"I don't think I've ever heard of this? Sounds good though!"
Chris explained that he goes there to make "A Wee Cuppa Tea" every week.
He does tea and someone else does coffee.
He makes "A Blinder of Tea!" we laughed at that.
As we travelled on the bus to our destination, we continued with all the laughter first thing in the morning.
The passengers suddenly shooshed (went silent)!
We were a bit loud....Oops!
The passengers were intrigued with our conversation as I turned my head around. You know me.......Nosey! I was wondering why there was no regular talking anymore.
We had a regular tissue up to our eyes, we spoke about our eyes too with heavy laughter.
We were in control or our waterworks down below and mentioned that too.
The bus went into uncontrollable laughter ..................... Hee Hee!
The gentleman who was sitting three seats behind me got up out of his seat and walked up towards us?
As he had the laughter coming from his belly, he bent his head down towards his waist and muffled into his belly; "FEEL HERE!"
Well the both of us moved our hands over to his head and then we all went into ruptures of laughter all over the bus. "I've had the same Brain Injury too!"  he said to us.
As we were getting off the bus, I looked around at all the passengers, they were all in great humour of their own stories of family, friends and neighbours. They were greatly Happy! I was Gazumped!
Your sad story can turn into the rupturous, belly hurting tummy with laughter ache.
He hadn't even made "A wee cuppa Tea yet!"

First destination; The Kitchen; but Chris seen Debbie Newton and he introduced us both to each other.
Chris dissappeared to the kitchen, people were parched, waiting for a cuppa!
Debbie is the Service Co-ordinator of this Specialist Stroke Services group.
She said to me; "We keep missing each other on the phone!"
Straight away I thought; (Do I recognise her face? How did I get her number? Bummer; Just act silly?)
I said that I had her number but it wasn't my writing, it must be hers?
We went through all the "Was is Jimmy, Eh! What about Freddie? Sonya, Mark, Henry......etc!"
We think it may have come from a Headway person, still no idea though.
Brain Injuries Eh!

Chairman Tom, asked Marjorie to make her way to the floor as he had a little thing to say to her. In the meantime; Chris appeared from behind her as he handed over the bouquet of flowers for her Birthday.
The room sang the loudest happiest HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARJORIE.
From the bottom of our hearts <3
Chris actually thought........Are they for MEeeeeeeeee! 
We all had to be very gentle; and bring himself back to the ground, back to normality.
He was flying above the ground and dancing on Cloud Nine.
Chairman Tom gave him a shoulder to weep on when he gave the flowers back to the Proper Birthday Girl.

Who's that,.....What's his name!
I imagined my conversation was; 
"Who's he, him over there! Him with that metally silver talky hand thing is it a....micro.... thingy phone. A voice louder thing?"
"An entertainer!" came from the audience.
"Is that metal thing in his hand an entertainer then?"
"WORDS" This is actually difficult; when in my brain the word is there, I can see it, I know what it is and what it means....BUT, get the word out of the tongue, mouth. EeeeYaaaaa!

Marjorie gave a curtsey for the attention on her special birthday,....tears did flow freely with pleasure and happiness.
A special song for Marjorie on her birthday.

He sang and looked into her eyes.
Marjories Song.

What a great day for "A wee cuppa Eh!"

Hello Pauline...........

This is Chris The Tea Boy, He makes a Blinder Pot of TEA!

I had a lovely chat with Tracy.
I spoke about my aneurysm. My usual stuff...boring!
I brought along the Neurocare Issues for anyone to have a look at.
I mentioned what I wrote about in my cover story and I took my Writers' Forum  magazine too.
I also mentioned about doing the blob/blog.
That was funny; the blob still gets a laugh.
I left them at the side for anyone to look at them
It was time to go then Chris and I went out for dinner and a chat....
"What's Next I Wonder!"

It's coming up for Autumn now Brrrr!

Wrap up, there's a nip in the air now!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Who or What fell "Doon The Loo!"

The month of October 2013

I went to my gym, exercise class.
I  was ready with my bare feet and loose clothing to do my Qigong and Thai Chi. Ahhhhhh Soooooohh!
A member in the class was Chris, a Brain Injury survivor too!
Our conversation started with:-
"Hey,.....Feel this!.....Ooh ! and that!"
We giggled at our "showing off phase!"
We were showing off all our medals that are usually hid inside our body, but the best ones just now is the Titanium Plate Scar and the feel of the Shunt.
We have become the Perfect Show Off'ers! It does make us laugh though.
As we finished our class we were about to leave, but quickly exchanged our numbers for a chat later.
We had a very funny, giggly exercise morning. I quickly went into the Loo.....Oops!!!!
I put my phone on the cistern as I thought that it was flat......................Yikes!
The cistern lid was on a slant and the phone sailed away to another world. My hand had to go into the depths of the Pea Land ! Oopsadaisy Me!
Dear; Dear!
I managed to save the sim card to keep my phone number but all the numbers that was on the phone had dissapeared with the phone; so I had to get another phone.
I went into the canteen and said to Chris that I would catch up with him at the next class and we giggled about the phone fiasco.

I then went to see all at DORA charity to inform them about my phone fiasco.

I said:- "How will you all survive without me giving you all a call for a chitchat blether............Arrrrgh!"

Roland Gray said:-
"Here Pauline; Have the last icecream cone from me"
Well it was lovely, just what I needed!

Then I went to get my haicut; the length was getting too heavy for my head so it was cut by Sonya the Salon Manageress at Supercuts Salon.
I always go in there with a heavy head then when I leave there the heaviness in my head has gone.
Weird isn't it?
I can understand that you can't understand what this means to me, it's a Brain Injury heaviness inside the head, unless you have had a Brain Injury you won't know the inner feeling?
It can be difficult to describe what happens inside our bodies......Weird! Eh!
Had to change hats now and wear a lighter hat.

The next day I caught the Volunteer Manager.......Roland Gray Doing Dishes........!
Shock/Horror.....With a smile on his face..............!
I've never felt so at ease as being in this office.
I keep forgetting to sign in and out; slap my wrist for that....Oops!
He has a big poster on his private office door "STAY OUT      NO ENTRY"
I'm convinced that this message is for ME <---
I still just walk through;......Darn it!
When will I ever learn...................................I will, one of these days!?

I went across to Hope Springs for a chat, they still had my card up on their wall for all to see it.
I felt very proud that they loved all the little things that I did in return for them listening to me.
All I needed was to be heard, now people hear me. 

It was now Tuesday 8th of October 2013.

It was early in the morning and Janiece took me to the Royal Hallamshire Hospital.
I had an appointment at 10:30 with a Neuro Doctor.
The appointment was about my medication that I take.
I took my rucksack with all my bits and bobs in it.
I brought out a file from my bag, this file came from my Rehabilitation Home; Markham House, Bolsover.
I had looked through some of the records but one of the files said:-

Pauline Quinn        My Medication         Usage          Side Effects

Some of my files sent by Mr Toby Perkins MP of Chesterfield

I had asked for my files as I was leaving Makham House, Bolsover, the staff member said "No" to me.
The usual me.... I said WHY?
Their answer was.......NO INK !
Anyway; back to the story (the last line there was pretty good though.....NO INK?)
This is what the medical staff kept picking up on when I was in Hospital....... ALCOHOLIC ?
My thought now is WHY! 
There is two tablets called Vitamin B co strong tablet and Thiamine (B1) and the reason under the Usage is; 
Vitamin B; 
To prevent deficiency occurring in people whose diet has been inadequate???
Thiamine (B1); 
Usefull as a supplement in deficiencies of B vitamins, which can occur due to an inadequate diet??? 
SIDE EFFECT..........................NK
It's obviously Not Known............!
WHY did medical persons put down that I was on an inadequate diet?
I have never been on a diet; I have always been a petite person for the whole of my life. 50 years!
I have just eaten when I was hungry, I was never on a timetable for eating.
Before my Headache, I was under stress, as you have read already, this is a normal habit of people who are under stress. 
You just miss the odd meal, especially in my job in the Hotel Business.
This is from my Diary in 2011

On Monday the 4th of July 2011
I hula hooped;
351 X 2 hoops then later, I hooped 200 X 2 hoops.
Tuesday 5th July 2011
777 X 2 hoops
Friday 15th July 2011
Went to Pat Firth's birthday in the All Bar One Sheffield.

As you can see before my body collapsed on myself, I had the energy to hula hoop and the energy to go out to a Birthday Party.
My aneurysm was 6 days later.

The appetite floats away for a while until you feel better; or like me; be in hospital to fight back to stay alive.
I showed this to the Neuro Doctor in Hallamshire and he said that I need to speak to the original Doctor who wrote this on my file for my answers.

We went to meet up with Miguel to drop off Kefae's birthday present.

The Big Frog for Kefae

Then I met Helen Roberts from Santander in town.

By this time my head was all over the place.
I asked Janiece to drive me home.
I was Pissed Off again!

The next day I went to do some creative writing with Roland Gray from DORA.
I'm so impressed with all his writing, he amazes and inspires me.

Then it was Thursday 10th October 2013.
I decided to go and see Alan and Mark at the DORA stall in Chesterfield Hospital. 
I knew when I got there as the bus would be pulling into the Hospital car park and bus area.
I stood there with some of their leaflets in my hand to see if anyone would like to take any.
I had a lovely chat with a beautiful lady as we walked gently along the corridor. 
Mark and Alan wondered where I had gone too but they seen me in the far distance and knew that I would be back at some point.
I did get back...........some time later. We had a great day at Chesterfield Hospital.

It got to Sunday 13th of October
I called my brother Brian and asked if he had the present money yet!
His answer was "NO!"

It was Tuesday the 15th of October 2013  

Then I went to:-
The Winding Wheel with Alan Smith, another Volunteer at DORA; I never knew who he was and what he does with The Derbyshire Healthcare.
JEESO !; He's one of The Guvn'r's at the Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
My words that day was;
Oops! It's Me! Can You Hear Me!
I just thought that he was a Volunteer like them all.............................GULP!
We had a few stops for breathers as we were making our way to The Winding Wheel.
When we eventually got there, we got there a little early to find a seat and sit on the front row.
There was a gentleman that came over and started to talk to Alan. I thought:- "They must know each other!"
I sat 2 seats away from Alan, to give us more room to spread my bum along the chair.
This gentleman said to me:- "Excuse me!..............Do you know each other!"
I laughed and said:- "Yes; we know each other over a lovely cup of coffee!"
I brought out my little Moleskine note pad and I asked him what his name was; he brought out his pen and wrote in my little black note pad;
Steve Trenchard Chief Exec Trust
"Bleedin Heck !"
I giggled when I realised that he is the Chief Executive of the Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
I started to talk to him and I asked him how he knew Alan, as I pointed my finger to him.
I said that I'm a very nosey person and I need answers to lots of things that I'm not happy with.
He smiled and said that Alan was his Boss!
"Bleedin Heck again!"
Alan Smith said:- "I'm one of the Guv'nr's for the Trust!"

Jesus; Mary & Joseph!


 Here's me thinking that he's a Volunteer, but he's a BIG CHIEFY BOSS MAN!!!


( Bugger; ............................!
I should stop swearing when I walk into that DORA office from now on........Oops! Sorry Alan Smith! )

I started to talk to Steve Trenchard about my blob/blog.
I told him that when I put the blog on the internet that afternoon of "Accidental Meetings........AGAIN!" at 2:15pm and then I had a wee look of how may times it had been looked at by 4:41pm the page had been seen 11 times before I left.
I told him that I just put it on Google Plus then just added it to my page on FaceBook; I said that I never sent it to anyone.
Eleven times that page had been looked at in 2hrs.....Not bad Eh!
Steve told me that I should twitter, he tweets.
I said that I would look into it later.

As Dr Edd was going through:- "Shining a Light into the Dark Side!"
He mentioned that anyone could just jump in when a subject of the topic was something that we wanted to talk about. I continually jumped in with all my questions.
I talked and talked and talked.
It was good that we could ask there and then; instead of waiting till the end and you probably forgot what you were going to say.
Just about anything and everything that he was talking about, had my name on it.
Bummer Eh!

Dr Edd & Steve Trenchard who Twitters, he asked me if I twittered yet? Hmmmmm! Maybe later!

The pictures weren't great this evening so here is Steve Trenchards story from Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust as the Chief Executive.

Steve Trenchard, Chief Executive 
Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 

Tweeter Follow @Steve_Trenchard
Steve has been a mental health nurse for twenty three years and has long been connected to a values and recovery orientated approach to mental health and leadership practice. Steve became Chief Executive of Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust in February 2013 and prior to this worked for three years as the Director of Nursing and Patient Experience at West London Mental Health NHS Trust. He has experience of working in the not for profit sector, spending five years as the Director of Nursing and Clinical Services at The Retreat, York. He has retained a strong academic interest in healthcare delivery, evidence based practice and leadership developments.
Steve has always been committed to the involvement of people receiving mental health services, both in their individual experiences of receiving therapeutic care, through to involvement in service delivery, design and evaluation. In his spare time he is Chair of ISPS UK (International Society for the Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis) which is a small charity dedicated to talking therapies and humane approaches to the recovery of people experiencing psychosis.
Steve writes a regular blog which you can view.

Steve Trenchard - Chief Executive

  Then there was Mark Wright of CIB
Hey; this is my photographic side of me with Dr Edd.
Now........Is this better with my photographer taking the picture or me trying to get our faces in the picture!!!

Every Day!
I get up,
Out of bed every day,
I try to smile,
What has gone wrong with the WORLD!


Friday, October 25, 2013

Mr Toby Perkins MP......My CHOICE!!! 25th October 2013

Friday 25th October 2013

I decided to put this blog out tonight after my meeting with Mr Toby Perkins MP of Chesterfield
He is the Labour Member of Parliament for Chesterfield.
Shadow Minister for Small Business (BIS)

Sincerely Thank You Mr Toby Perkins MP

I'll take us back to the 15th of September 2013

I was reading a book called Garnet Hill, by DENISE MINA, in an area of Glasgow.
The lines were:-
"Yeah she is unwell," said Maureen, grateful for the euphemism. "There's a thick streak of Celtic melancholia in our family. It's the Irish blood."
"Celtic melancholia?" Brady looked at her blankly.
"I see," said Brady. "They said you were from an unsavoury family."
Maureen dropped her fork. It clattered onto her plate. "Who said that about my family?"
"The police," said Brady, and smiled at her in a way that was oddly insulting.
"What is an "unsavoury family? Are they all drunks?"
When I read this book I had shivers down my spine....Brrrrr!
When I had went to Cleethorpes with Headway on Saturday 14th of September, I'd had a fantasic day.
On Sunday the 15th of September, I phoned my dad for a wee chat to bring him up to date about my seaside trip.
Towards the end of our conversation he told me that he has sent a present for me with Christine Burns, (my eldest sister) I thought WoW!
What gift shall it be??
I decided not to mention about the present until it arrived so I could write about my gift, so I waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, and....................................waited. I never had any present so I waited again.
It got into October the 4th and my Brain Injury NHS Steve Jones called me and said that we needed to have an appointment as he had a letter for me from Christine Burns.
I arrived at our meeting on Friday 4th October 2013
I got quite excited as I thought that this must be my present from my dad....Ooooooh! Excitement!
Well, when I got there, he put the letter on the table from Christine,...........I looked at it?!?
I thought; should I read it, or not?!? Confusion ran through my mind, where's dad's present, I thought?
I waited a few minutes, then lifted the letter up, then read it out in the room ..............................


Well; I said to Steve "I do know who my dad is; I call him!"
Then I said;
"She's giving up her accountancy job and is learning to become a Rehabilitation Support worker/carer!"

I was busy on the Saturday so I called my dad on the Sunday 6th October.

I called dad and asked him;_
"Hi Dad, how are you?
I recieved a letter from Steve Jones;
You brainy man......" I giggled there.
"I recieved a letter from Christine and she wants
me to choose a present from you! Do I have to choose
something at £10 or £20 pounds, or am I going over the top....... What's your money limit here?"

My poor dad was all over the place, he asked me if I got the money!!!
I asked him:-
"May I ask you dad; is this rude, but; was it £10 or £20 pounds for the present.......?"
The world twirrled all over the place, my heart was pounding so hard, I was getting scared at what I was hearing; I had to take deep breath's and I asked again........ HOW MUCH???
My dad told me £500 cash!
"SHIT?" I said.
Dad said that he gave Christine £500 cash, and he mentioned that £250 cash was for me and also my brother Brian from Glasgow had the same present, £250. 
Dad asked me if I had Brian's phone number, I said Yes, and he said please find out for me and see if he recieved the money present, so I called him straight away and asked him the question
His answer was NO!
to be continued......................................

On the 6th of October I asked Mr Toby Perkins MP if I could have a Surgery soon, I needed to talk.
I said that I would be patient and just wait for my time on the waiting line.
The next day; the 7th of October;
I sent another message to the MP and told him that I was mortified what had been done by my elder sister Christine.
I felt that she didn't do what my father had requested her to do.
My father had sent £250 for me and the same amount of money to my brother Brian in Glasgow.
My head was all over the place after what was done.
I was totally SHOCKED!
I'm still in shock even now, how can people get away with taking my CHOICE away from me.

It's now the 7th of October and I called my dad back, he was very upset at what had happened.
I said to my father that if I wanted to buy £250 pounds worth of chocolate and eat it all at the same time and be sick, that it is MY CHOICE!
My father said that he had spoken to Christine on the phone and she had said to him that I was not sensible enough to have that much money and be resposible with it???

I thought that when you're alive, you can be as silly or carefree as you can be with spending money, surely THAT'S YOUR CHOICE!!!

Later that evening I recieved a phone call from Christine, I said that I didn't want to talk to her and hung up the call.

I sent another message to Mr Toby Perkins MP for Chesterfield, I was so upset I sent him details of what happened and I said that I needed to talk to someone.

On the 8th of October I went into a Soliciters and told them about my story, I told them that I needed advice on what to do, they said that I needed to go to a Criminal Soliciter instead.
I went to speak to the volunteers at DORA about my situation and they said that I should go to the Criminal Soliciter, I went home with my head all over the place........."What To DO!"

I recieved a reply later that night from Mr Toby Perkins MP.
"What a very thoughtful man, He Listens!"

At last, he has made me feel better that we can discuss this situation about Christine and the money which should have been a present.
Brian still hasn't recieved his present either, but my concern is my poor dad!
I never had the money at the start, so it has just gone to a different abode instead.

My other concern now is that; if this is how my sister has treated me; a sibling; after my trauma and the disability that I had...........what about others/strangers that she will be in contact with as she is training as a Rehabilation Support Worker/Carer???
It will make you THINK!
If she thinks that I'm not a stable, sensible person under the Mental Health Act; I wonder how she thinks about others that she will look after???

Do I allow this to happen and let people away with this?
Do I shout from the highest pinacle of the highest mountain and let myself be heard?

What happened to the Brain Injury Rights?

 40 days Eh!.............

Lets all shout to be given our Choices back, this should not happen to any of us!
I shall shout for us ALL!

Friday, October 18, 2013

I Accidently Met !

The 1st of October 2013

I was walking into town and stopped off at the Library.
"Hi Paul" I said as I walked over to the table, he pulled over a chair for me, so I sat down.
The usual; blether, blether, blether.
That's me!
We started to look at the computer for bits and pieces and coats.....beautiful coats by the way!
I said, "Are you stalking me or am I stalking you!" Then we quietly laughed.
I Accidently met The Mayor again.......
We do keep bumping into each other when we are out and about!

I managed to get a seat by THE MYSTERY MACHINE and read a bit of my book called Garnet Hill by DENISE MINA.

An audience of one sat beside me and we started talking about THE PLOT!

He loved me being the Storyteller

Then I went to see Roland. This is Roland Gray, Volunteer Manager for DORA Charity and a writer.....WoW!

Roland is part of a group which writes poems, short stories and drama extracts.
I went to my writing class and read Cucumber Lane a poem, a favourite of mine.

Roland gave me his story named "The Rescuer" he writes lots and lots of stories, I'm impressed.
Hopefully he can show me great ways for writing. I'm working my way through reading his stories.
It's a great adventure for the brain to be more alive these days.

Catch you all next week with another great peek into my life.
Remember; this blob/blog is about my life.
This is all about what I have gone through when I fought to walk and talk again.
I do hope that others may paint or write, even sing; to bring them back from where we have all been.
Good Luck to you all and here is Hope for us all too.
Lets hope that we shall see so many inspirational people who will help us all on our new path.

A great 1st of October, I wonder what excitement I shall go through next.
I seem to bump into some wonderful people these days, it's been a WoWseR Day.