Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A gift to Professor Bell Park

Dear Mr Bell Park,

Across many, many miles here is my gift to you.

I now do Qigong and Thai Chi so here is a little glimpse into my progression.

I need to get this video running right when it transfers here but at least you get a rough idea of it.
sincerely yours,
Pauline Quinn

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Specialist Stroke Services - A Right Good Read with Neurocare Charity.

Next day there was Alva and Heather who done "A Right Good Read"
I opened my diary and wrote:-
Brush Strokes - ?
Have I seen this?

They read out Pam Ayres - Just ask my husband,
                                            My husband knows it all!

We laughed at this theme of the writing.
When I got home; yes, I did have the same book at home. the brain is remembering all sorts of information now.
I now have two books named Brush Strokes by Heather Shaw.
I should open up my own style of Library about spooky huddling areas that a Stroke can appear in.....Yikes!

Education and reading is a great thing to achieve, you can dream away with the words and tell some fantastical journey's to a great new mystical world in our imaginations.
It can keep the brain alive and active, well mine does anyway.
I wonder where the brain shall visit today.
I can be a happy miserable person, that's my choice, no one elses, That's Life!

Words mean so much to me with Alva and Heather
I wonder what excitement shall arrive next......You never know!
It's a soup day!
Chris is showing us all how to make the base for the Vegetable soups or even use them as the start of your sauces.
His food knowledge is still there with him to share with us all.

 Carol, Tracy and Debbie are my tasters for the camera.

Norman and Tracy enjoyed their soups of leek and potato.
The soups were lovely and Chris still managed to blag a Pot Washer.
Clever Eh!
Poor Carol, she's still up to her wrists in the water!
The brains are still working and being alive.

How did he manage to get me involved as the Stirrer!!!

The next day I went onto Neurocare Charity in Sheffield.
I had a wee peek through the window into the office.
I wonder if they would recognise me.......Oohhhh!

I love getting freebies for nothing................Is this just a Scottish Pleasure. "Getting anything for nothing!" I love it.

I went in to collect my Head Start Poster for Chesterfield College to use in their interview background.

I'll put the big cake down for a second Shhhhhh!
Have I got any crumbs on my chin area!!! I got away with that one............!

I let them see my achievements and my progression within the file.

I told them some stories whilst I was there.

Ooh! Pauline Quinn was on their wall diary for the visit to the office. Well Chuffed....ThanX

I gave them a lovely card with meaningful words.

This is the Neurocare Charity Team in Sheffield
Their chief Exec is Patricia, Finance and Admin is Becks and the two fundraisers are Corin and Holly

I happily shared my story from 2013 with Catherine, my Chauffeur of the day. Merci Madame. XXX

I can't decide on the picture here's them both.
Catherine was my Chauffeur before at the Mayors Christmas Party in the Town Hall.
A lovely artist friend too.

What shall happen next Eh!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Chesterfield College, a great surprise!

The following week there was some exams to be taken at the College but I still had my other classes to experience more movements of the Qigong and Thai Chi. Taught by my tutor, Terry Beevers.
You have to concentrate on the movements and to keep the timing with everyone.
Usually after about 15minutes into the regime I yawn so loud and heavy I really need to lie down but I keep moving forward with the exercises. This is my life and I wish to have it back, one of these days!

Then I went into town and met up with:-
This is Catherine Cobb.
There has been so many things in life over my lifetime and I've never paid any attention to who walks past me, have I just swerved my eyes to the other side of the road so that I seen nothing?
Maybe  we have deliberately ignored things as we are either too busy with our own lives or we don't want to know the sadness right in front of front of me!
I called on Catherine and she moved across the road with her mother who took our picture.
This lady then crossed the road to meet me as I had called over that it was a lovely day and she walked faster than me!
This is when you find the time to give and pass on a nice word to others as they walked past even on the otherside of the road.
Catherine then said:-
"regardless of an osteosarcoma nothing will stop me from my aims and goals in life! "
What an insperation.........!

Have I changed with my attitude in never know!

Bella & I are Art friends having a cuppa and a natter.Creativity appears from every angle.

I giggled as I watched Dale give the staff their massages that day. I still laugh at what I'd seen.
A great Cafe Nero way to release the joints after a busy day.
Maybe I should put my name down for a shoulder massage; it looked like Bliss!

The 2nd meeting at the Chesterfield College...............WoWSeR!

I needed a drink of water to calm me down after their news!  Bridget & I

When I got to the College, I was collected by Julia who took me from the reception area.
I thought that I was just having Emma but all the students are keen to find out what happens with me and what they can find in my feet area at this moment. A great research that they are studying on.
As soon as I walked through the doors on my second visit, Bridget held onto my arm and said to me; "We've all put our heads together and we are having an event for you!"
"What are you doing on Monday the 7th of April......... can you pop round here for the event as we are doing this for your favourite charity, Neurocare Charity in the College!"
My heart beat so fast, I mentioned that I was Gobsmacked as I put my hand to my heart.
I said that I'm up to nothing as it's hard enough to get out of bed each day!
I felt that they have officially Gobsmacked me with this information about this event.
Totally Gobsmacked!
I need to lie down and catch my breath!
I asked Bridget to write all the details in my diary as my mind was running away with all these beautiful words.
It says:-
7th April Monday 10-2pm
*Neurocare - Event @ Chesterfield College
* Complementary Therapy Students
* Hand and Arm Eve Taylor Candle Massage
* Indian Head Massage
* Foot Massage

What news to recieve on my 2nd visit !
I'm still Gobsmacked and we're now 2 weeks down the line of that initial great news for Neurocare.

Students all love to help with me..........I graciously thank you all......

As I lay on the bed for the Reflexology, I called Neurocare Charity straight away as Bridget wanted me to inform them of what was in front of me now.
When Bridget got close enough for me to say "C'mere!" I drew her into my area as my fingers moved into a "Come hither! Gesture with the right fingers"
I then moved the phone to her mouth and said:- "Here!.....It's Neurocare......You talk to them!"

She started to talk about me weeping when I heard the news and then I may have dozed into my own world of happiness as her conversation dissappeared from my ears.

A world of my own.....pleasure and happiness!
As Julia carried on with my Reflexology she then told me of the Crystals in my right end two toes, one is the pinky toe.
She asked me about my eyes and my heart area?
I told her about the three pairs of glasses that I have and that I used to be in a red world through my eyes, and the breathing, this is life when your recovering.
We are all going through the same trauma but totally different in certain areas, but the same!!!
It can be very bizarre at times, but we need to get over it.
For me it's usually an "All or Nothing!" situation.
I want all of my life as I have nothing now.

Students are a great miracle for me.........ThanX All.

Later Bridget appeared again to ask another question........
"Are you still going to arrive weekly like we asked!"
"Ohh Yes!" I answered.
They replied "Will you be free before or after your session for an interview with James Marples our Press and Communications guy on the 11th of February?"
"Ohhh lovely; that'll be great!" I replied.

What a day so far!!!

This is Sasha alongside Peter my Creative Writing friend. The world is very small.

I then went and had another accidental coffee meeting with Matthew Murray and wifey Janet.
At this moment in time, I need to go back to learn how to transer a video onto this blob/blog!
It'll probably be something so easy, the nut and bolt have hidden from me.
I'll get there, no worries, just wait till I catch up with the world again.

When I walked home my feet were so happy, I joined the College Facebook and seen that they had an open night.
Well I had dinner early and decided to go back to the college to say a big thankyou for what I heard that morning.
As I walked in I saw a gentleman at the doorway with his badge, I took a hold of it straight away and then said: "Hello! Mr James Marples, I'm looking for you!"
 So this is the man that I heard about earlier that day, what a surprise!
 I'll put up the two pictures so that he can decide what picture he would like for himself
James, Michaella & Jane, thanks for the evening, it was awesome!

Do you know that Chesterfield College has a Heart Space opened by Jessica Ennis the Heptathalon Gold Medalist Athlete in November 16th 2012.
What a great background to follow by these Students.

I had a lovely walk and talk with James and we spoke about some interviews but I have confirmed the first interview so far for Neurocare Charity.

I wonder what life shall bring next!
I'll be out walking here, there and everywhere with the sun following my steps.
Another good day....................

Thursday, February 13, 2014

If I could turn back time!

I found this through The Challenges via Kris Kanapo.
A great song by Cher;
but if I could turn back time would I.............. !!!

I have worked hard.
I have called a spade is a spade.
Do I take back any of the words that I have said in my life..... No Siree!
That's why a Spade is called a Spade!
I've lost everything in my life so easily but so sad.
I'm not sorry just proud of what I've achieved.

If I could ever turn back time!

I've never known what I've did or what I've done all my life.......I just did what was right for me!
Words are like weapons and they do loose sometimes....
I don't want to hurt but.......!
If I could turn back time!

If only I could reach the stars in the sky...................

If Only.............!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Chesterfield College and Movember awareness.

The New Year started with the Head Start, Denise Mina, Spireites and "Sweet Dreams"

I got to my first morning at Chesterfield College......On Time!

I had prepared everything that I was wearing on the Sunday, I was so prepared to organise my head for this.
On the evening I cut the toenails, shaved the legs, (just incase they touched my legs), Yikes!
I was running through everything in my mind, toe nails cut.....tick, legs shaved......tick, be prepared!

Here's the start of my feet adventure, and as we progress so will the camera, Shannon is my photographer and video girl and Emma is my masseur, my weekly girls doing their thang!
Me with my Chesterfield College Pass.

I sat like a Bhudda, I told her all about me and all that's not working with me. She was shocked at what happened to me.

As you can see; she was still shocked so the tutor, Bridget stood by her and I worked hard to make her laugh.

We started on Reflexology.
I started to tell Emma a story.

Now to work!

I got Emma to laugh which made me happy.

Shannon looked at my Head Start paper for Neurocare Charity.

I didn't want to miss out on any situation about me walking and would they like to join me..........You never know!

At Last! Emma the student takes away all the layers of yukky skin on the soles of my feet.
What a relief....... This right foot or leg doesn't belong to me......too true.
The left is absolutely mine, but the right.........No way!!!
The right has a numbness and the most weird feeling to try to explain it.

Chesterfield College Beauty & Holistic Tutor Bridget.

I took a video of her working away on my feet.
The tutor asked them to write down all that I said for their files

Have you seen this sight of blubber called ME! Pauline Quinn!

I was trying to explain what the feelings were like on my feet.....individually, they don't feel the same!

The left foot is mine but the right foot belongs to someone else.
The nerves in the system are trying to lock themselves into where they were before, I wonder how long it will take to get all these bits and pieces back together again.
I'll never be the same person that I was before, it's difficult to try and explain here just now.
I'll still be me, but a different me! I'll explain it on another page OK!

Now the Reflexology!

Shannon started to look through my published file.
Then the tutor came round to see if there was anything to write for in their own scholar written exams papers.
A busy day with students.

Emma's great at this Reflexology

The tutor explained to me what was happening now.

How I walk on my feet.

This left foot carries the weight of my whole body.

The wording that they write next week shall be very interesting about a bonafida real live sick person who is recovering now.
These students have started to make comments on what they see within the sole of the foot.
Emma told me that from my feet she could see that I had trouble within the chest area!
I told her of my heavyness in breathing when I tie my shoe laces..........WoW!!!
She called Bridget over to see between the ball of the left foot.
She told me straight away that my left foot carries the heaviness of the whole body as the right side is too weak.
Then Bridget brought in another tutor to look at my feet and straight away she said that I had a fungus growing under my right toe!
"Shock Horror!"
How does that happen as I was told that I must have dropped something on the top of my foot?
Clever people at this College....the right place at the right time......


I recieved my Happy Feet

I may have fallen asleep for a few minutes there!

Then I told Emma about the pin sharpness I felt on my right foot.
This is when she put the peppermint lotion on the feet.
Possibly this right foot may becoming alive......well and truley! (I wish)

Then we had a lovely hand treatment...........Ahhhh Bliss !
(and a drink of water)

As I was about to leave the College, there was some media students out preparing their video named Movember.
I'm amazed with all the students here, they have a special "Je ne sais pas!"
 "I don't know?" Do You!!!

About Movember

During November each year, Movember is responsible for the sprouting of millions of moustaches around the world. With their “Mo’s” men raise vital funds and awareness for prostate and testicular cancer and mental health. As an independent global charity, Movember’s vision is to have an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health.

Movember challenges men to grow a moustache for the 30-days of November, thereby changing their appearance and the face of men’s health.

 I went to take my video of them as that is what I saw that day with my Happy Feet!

Keenan Scholes........Nicole Furnis..........Jodie Green...........Dwain De Villa

A wonderful group of Media students willing to share their time with me.

Here's my fabulous students doing their doo!

I loved the moustached colourful theme.
Then Dwain said........"Would you like to dance with me Pauline!"

I must have shot a heavy growth above my top lip or is it to do with the Reflexology magic???

Dwain helped me with my top lip growth.

We're now letting people know that we're ready.

Dwain did the Scottish dance...........I got it right.........Yeeha!!!

We let the world know that we were fandabbydozy!

What a dancing couple....I loved it........XXX

We done the "Shake yer ass!"

What an awesome group to meet on my way home....Amazing! Brilliant! Awesome! Great!

Bye folks, see you all next time..... XXXXX
 I've had a superduper far!!!!!

Here's the video.
Well it's been a long time.....many, many years if anyone even thought of asking me that question!
I accepted for their media was so much fun.

Then Dancin' with a Moustache*

Dwain was my dancing partner with an edge !

What a day!
A perfect day for me.
I wonder what will happen next..............!