Thursday, February 13, 2014

If I could turn back time!

I found this through The Challenges via Kris Kanapo.
A great song by Cher;
but if I could turn back time would I.............. !!!

I have worked hard.
I have called a spade is a spade.
Do I take back any of the words that I have said in my life..... No Siree!
That's why a Spade is called a Spade!
I've lost everything in my life so easily but so sad.
I'm not sorry just proud of what I've achieved.

If I could ever turn back time!

I've never known what I've did or what I've done all my life.......I just did what was right for me!
Words are like weapons and they do loose sometimes....
I don't want to hurt but.......!
If I could turn back time!

If only I could reach the stars in the sky...................

If Only.............!

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