Sunday, May 22, 2016

Great Sunday Progress @ Inspire Community Garden

I've been out of sorts over the last 2 weeks so I've missed a lot of things that's been done on the Inspire Community Garden project.
I had an email from Steve to keep me up-to-date of all that was happening and here is some of the wonderful news I received:

We had a good varied session on the plot on Sunday with more land prepared, much more waste removed, more planting and two bench seats and a table constructed in our dining area under the lovely crack willow in the middle of the plot.

AND NOW FOR THE GOOD NEWS ...  Ed has located a mobile steel clad site hut in Sutton-in-Ashfield which we have bought for the site. It's 12' x 6' in not brilliant condition but we can make it into our lockable store for tools, information, first aid kit, tea making gear etc. It will require painting and some maintenance but I feel for the price paid it will be a good starting point for us! It will be delivered to our site during the next week and I look forward to it's arrival!

.........and to be quite honest I was so thrilled when I arrived and seen it all with my own eyes.

I walked up to the gate and the first thing I seen was the steel clad site had only just been delivered that morning.
"WoW! This place is really taking shape!"

I was pretty lost for words at all I was seeing.

I turned up at the right time as it was lunch-time.

I was so happy when I saw the handmade table and 2 benches, it brought a tear to your eye.

Then it was time for a cuppa with our packed lunches.

Then the wooden shavings were put down for the sitting area.

Everyone gets back to work after lunch.
I surprised myself when I accepted to try to make an area for some herbs as there was some borage which needed to be planted that day.
Chris had already found some fennel growing in an area and cleared around it and asked me to use this area for the herbs, which I happily started to turn over.
I huffed and puffed continually then; fortunately Chris came over to help me out with this area as I don't have the strength or even the energy to do this all by myself. (Many Thanks)

I was asked to put up a fence around the herbs with the tree branches as I had watched what was done previously to create this fence.
I managed (after some time) to do 2 sides of the fence and the next sides were done in a flash by Chris and here is the new herb plot with Fennel & Borage.

Then I went to see what they had been doing with the preparations for the water tank.

It was great to see all the brains working out how to save the water from rain into the water storage.

They had arranged the half funnels and the waterproof sheets on the ground.
This was getting very exciting and I wondered how long it would take until they were doing a rain water demonstration

Then I went down to the vegetable plots

WoW....What a great group of workers on the land; they all impress me with what they do.

Then it was time for the water storage to perform.

Charles becomes the rain-man to create a rainy day for the water storage............
So here goes...........

Just waiting for the water to arrive......

Waters coming through.....Yeehaaaaaa!
You can actually see the drips of water falling into the storage so what a great result.

You can see the volume of water they've created acting like a rainy day.

To be continued...........

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