Phewwww! It's lovely that the picture's continue to be taken if I'm not available to attend that day.
Many Thanks Lindsey
Steve continues to bring the greenhouse back to the stage it was at before the stormy weather.
Chris continued with making the pathways and steps.
There was more help from the occupational therapist group that came back to the garden to do more clearing at the polytunnel
The daffodils are beginning to Spring out of the earth and it will soon look Bloomin' Loverly!
The Tree Fella is usually up a tree over the winter months but in the next week or so it will be back to the land as the nesting period is about to start for all the birds that arrive back to the area.
Hazel has been planted for a hedge so for my eye it will be like a frame for the trees that were planted a few weeks ago and I look forward to see it on my next visit to the garden.
If you really look hard at this picture below, in the center of the tree dressing tree and move your eye up on the left side of the branches the Robin Red Breast rests on the branch as it chirpily sings away.
To Be Continued...............................
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