Sunday, July 23, 2017

Inspire Community Garden - Rob Speranza Film Producer/Movie-maker 19/07/2017

I entered the garden and seen that the pizza oven entrance had started to take shape. I had also baked some beetroot brownies for all at the garden as it was to celebrate my 6th year since the brain injury and it was also as a test trial of making more of them for the Open Day on Sunday 30th July.
The second layer of cob was made up with terracotta clay and dried straw as an insulation to contain the heat in the pizza oven.

Unsure of the name of this plant but it has an Asian feel and could possibly be the Chinese lantern plant.

Whilst taking the pictures of the work on the garden I seen there was a meeting with Rob Speranza who is a film producer and moviemaker and followed them in what they had been discussing that day.

                                                                      To Be Continued...................


  1. That striped Caterpillar looks like the one for the Cinnabar Moth on the Rag weed. Suggest you look them up on Google.
