What a beautiful sunset for our last evening session on the garden.
Tree felling evening.
Giving the tree trunk a hand to fall correctly.
The trunk falls correctly....
I've never seen anything like this in my life before so it's been pretty cool to watch this tree felling happen in action.
One of the lovely things about being with this group is that we don't rely on having a mobile phone as an extension to the arm and hand combination.
In this day and age are we really losing the act of communication?
Technology is a magnificent piece of work as I can now talk through the science of technology.
I now have a shunt in the head but do people really know how to communicate or has people in this world decided to live their lives by their Social Media Lifestyle?
I've been out for a cuppa and all they do is click, click, click as they are on all sorts of media attractions but as much as I love the media attractions I do have a time and a place to use it.
I don't use my phone as a WiFi escape, it's there for calls the occasional photo's and text.....simple...
I use a Hudle for great photos, Solitaire & Majhong games keeps the brain active; no Wi Fi either!
Technology: greatly respect.