Saturday, September 24, 2016

Inspire Community Garden - Harvest Day

A great start to Inspire Community Garden Harvest Day, as my sister Christine and Lance arrived early to take me to the event in four wheel style......yes; I sat up front in a Jaguar. (I'm truly spoiled!)

I gave Christine and Lance a walk around the garden to see all that has been created so far.

Christine was good at taking the pictures of what she was seeing and then I realized that I may have been following in her own feet with taking pictures as a catalogue of work being done in the garden.

I turned round when I heard her say "Hi Chris!"

I think I need to stop saying "Look over there!" then take a wee unknown selfie to capture something.
Will I ever is fun though!

 People arrived from the Headway group in Chesterfield

A great invention of the apple peeler and slicer.

Fresh apple juice being prepared.

Child's hand designed pot with bulb.

The arrival of Peter & Mandy from Headway Chesterfield.

Councillors arrived to see Inspire Community Garden.

I then noticed the arrival of this year's mayor

It's not often that I get a full picture of myself instead of doing a regular Selfie/Facey

I now have a selfie picture with the previous 2013 Mayor and current 2016 Mayor.....
Not bad Eh!

Happily exhausted at the end of Harvest Day and time to sit down and rest.

A wonderful day had by all............

To Be Continued.............................


  1. Lovely photos and post. Thank you so much for sharing. :)

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