Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Chesterfield College - Theory submission/first assessment

Power Point is being rather sluggish so here it is on the Blog.
                                                 My Progress
                                                  Art is my Therapy; presented by Pauline Quinn

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On the 19th July 2011, I suffered a subarachnoid haemorrhage after a rupture of a cerebral aneurysm.

I spent 8 weeks in Royal Hallamshire Hospital, a separate area of the hospital to be treated for actual/impending organ failure, as I required intensive technological support including mechanical ventilation in ITU (Intensive Therapy Unit) and HDU (High-Dependancy Unit).
I was transferred to the Northern General Hospital, Osborn 4 Neuro-rehabilitation ward for a further 7 months. I was unable to talk, walk and had weakness on my right side after a stroke. In February 2012, after a procedure called a Shunt, I began to walk and talk.

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It's been a very, very long journey..........

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In all my day's I'd never have thought that Art would be part of my life!

My presentation is not the regular Power Point display like you would normally find on the Foundation Diploma in Art & Design but I'll try to capture some pieces of art that attracted my eye and the people who have inspired me to continue and move forward with art after a trauma.

I never realised that my first artist would be Julie H Winter; I met her when my car broke down on my way to Sheffield, she is an artist and the host of Afton Water Bed & Breakfast/Art Experience where I stayed overnight and was lucky enough to look at some of the pieces she was working on.
Whilst in hospital, I was doing an art therapy class making a collage at Osborn 4 and the nurse who encouraged me into art did the Foundation in Art alongside Julie H Winter.
How small the world really is!

Slide 5 - The Power Point is unresponsive and now I've had to take a picture of another picture? Jeezo!

Inspiration is Julie H Winter

It would be quite nice to have the ability to use strong colours with strong markings when painting.

(Well; I can dream!)


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Inspiration is Karen Davies, WEA Tutor in Art

Karen has always encouraged me to move forward in Art at the WEA and she invited me to the Art Exhibition in the Exchange Place Studios Sheffield.

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Another artist at the exhibition was John Wilshire, he has great bold markings and is influenced by Monet series of paintings at Rouen Cathedral

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The people who have influenced me into art is the nurses at Osborn 4, they took me on a journey through art therapy which has been wonderful in my progression, they even asked me if I would like to take on a voluntary position at the Northern General Hospital @ Osborn 4.

The main person who has inspired and influenced me in all that I do in my life now is my Neurosurgeon Mr Umang Patel.

Why did I paint him a Galaxy ? ? ?
Only God knows!

My hobby before was Silversmithing so I created a pair of Silver Marble Cufflinks for Mr Patel.
We do say that the brain is our marbles and as he works within the brain I use my humour and say that he works amongst many marbles.
I felt that giving him these marble cufflinks means that if ever needed; he had a spare pair of marbles!
Just incase!

To Be Continued.......................

Monday, November 28, 2016

Inspire Community Garden - Chit-Chat's on a Sunday

It was a Bitterly Cold Sunday morning and the sun came out for our Chit-Chat day with Elliot.

I noticed that he was shaking with the cold so I gave him a wee woolly to heat him up and his humour came out with his natural posing style.

Elliot is interested on the project of Inspire Community Garden as part of his Masters Degree in Journalism at Sheffield University and this is where the Chit-Chat begins.                              

The caravan was getting an overhaul as they were getting rid of things inside that were not needed anymore as this would be our HQ at this moment in time.
It'll be the perfect place to have our cuppa and eat packed lunches over the winter months and it will also give us a roof over our heads if there was to be a sudden heavy downpour.

From up at the caravan area I noticed that we suddenly had another composting bin erected earlier in the morning. This area now seems to be filled with enthusiasm from all the volunteers even on a bitterly freezing cold morning....Brrrrrrrrrrrrr!

They'd only been in the garden for over an hour and the second composting bin was fitted and getting filled up already!!!

I took Elliot to sign in on our visitor sheet and showed him our Registered Charity Certificate and showed him the information on our Tree Dressing Day next Sunday 4th December.........
.......Let's hope he can find time to attend.......

I noticed we had two lady visitors coming into the garden to sit down and draw.
"Sheer Bliss!" I thought.... I just may do that one of these days.

I then heard the arrival of a tractor which was coming to assist us to place the caravan in the right area.

Now this tractor was a godsend for Inspire Community Garden as this caravan is extremely heavy.

Ohhh My Goodness!
My eyes appear to be surrounded by more Life Lines..or are they Laughter Lines! Hahahahahahaha!
Definitely laughter lines.......

Now it was time for some Chit-Chatting

I did ask if you got my good side and decided to cut part of the heads off for fun......

Steve was informing Elliot of plans and hopes that could come from the garden in the future.

It's amazing how people still have time for smiles and fun even although they're cold and exhausted from working on the land.

To Be Continued..............