Monday, August 27, 2012

Wednesday 15th August 2012

It’s 05:30am and I’m up for my regular time again.
I have taken my first picture for you already.

Red sky at night, is a perfect sight,
Red sky in the morning, is a farmers warning.

Well it has been red this morning so we will just watch the sky eh!!

Just been down to see Big Mama Dee and Brainy Big Boy Dave, they help me with words if I need them, so thanks guys. I shall not scrub my mistake as it will be quite funny to see the errors that I can accomplish all by myself. Hey, I’m pretty good!!!

Red sky at night is a SHEPHERDS delight,
Red sky in the morning is a SHEPHERDS warning.

I busied myself at getting showered and dressed.
I went down to show Doris LeCrac my boobies, YES my right has got absolutely smaller than the left, I can actually see the difference. I know you always see the difference, it’s natural.  I do keep an eye on my WHOLE body. I’m like a little spy, watching, listening, smelling, hey, I’m good.
It was 07:30am so I decided to go  to the kitchen for my coffee and toast.
Andy was having his coffee and chilli ?
Then we had some strawberries. Hmmmm.
Then we laughed and laughed and laughed, what a cheerful chat AGAIN.

This is the conversation we had this morning. He said:-

Before I came into the hospital, my head was pretty messy!
I walked into the local bank and called on Stephanie my manageress. I told her that I had a dream the night before, so I said to her, “I dreamed about you last night. I thought my ears could talk because my  mouth was busy with something else.”????
She closed my bank account straight away. Ooooops!!!  Ouch!
Going to do my washing.


I did all my ironing from a previous washing. Just as I finished ironing, my last pair of trousers, Leanne appeared for my exercises. We decided to go for the fitness on the exercise cycle. 

We were just getting ready to go when I then had two guests at my door. They were Hayley and Nigel from The Voyage. 

They work for the company and they were checking over our living  accommodation. They listened to all I said.. I told them the story that when I started talking I didn’t realise I was Scottish! That was a good comment from Ian. He, he, he. We  then got our pictures and I was their model for Nigels camera.  I got another lovely picture. Hey maybe I can sell a room or two. He, he, he.  I  went  for my exercises. The bicycle was very good for the muscles and  the heart and the breathing. I felt my knees getting a good fitness. I felt my muscles getting a workout. I will go to the cycle as often as I can. Not too much or too little, just right.

My friend Juanita came and was a great photographer for me. THANK YOU :)


Hey, Richard Green,
Did you buy a motorcycle news paper today????
This is Wednesday.  :) The issue will be in the shop for sale today.  It’s a weekly paper, sale day Wednesday. I thought I’d let you know how clever, beautiful and full of information my gorgeous brain carries. Hmmmm    XXX


Which one is Richard and which one is Cristian????
We were just ready to finish the exercises and the painter girl turned up. I have done a beautiful picture of Cristian Concardi and Richard Green having a wee CIGAR.

I’m going to keep it now as it’s a special part of my reliving.  I will enjoy looking at it This BEING ALIVE time has been the most fantabulous time with my special friends.
I love you both sooooo much.
I have taken a picture of it now so I will text you both a picture. Keep it safe.
I’m sending you both a big sprinkle of love from me to us all. XXXXXX.

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