Thursday, June 6, 2013

My New Life.

Thursday 06th June 2013

Here I start again!

The blob/blog that I have published was rather wishy/washy as I look at it again.
Here is my new start to my new Life!
Yesterday, I went to join The Derbyshire Voice, they are a Voice for sure!
I travelled to Matlock with my friends, Jez and Simon.
I was talking to the CEO of The Derbyshire Voice.
I was offered a bunch of cards, I picked one; all the cards had different comments printed on the back of them, my card said "Speak your truth even if your voice shakes"
I listened to what was being said to all at the meeting, I was very impressed by the speakers.
It makes you THINK!
I stood up at the back of the room with my hand up in the air, I certainly was not looking for fresh air from under my arm pits, no!............ I wanted to talk and that I did.
The people who spoke at the meeting was the CEO, from The Derbyshire Voice and a Manager, who provides local mental health services.
I thought.....................................!
Has people been looking at me from a different angle....................a Mental Health way???
The CEO asked me if I'd like to talk, so I did!
I thanked them all for accepting me to their group, I took a deep breath and kept my emotions in control.
I said to them all that when I moved into my Rehabilitation Home on April 23rd 2012, it was a struggle for me, my emotions were all over the place, I was trying to talk correctly but unfortunately I couldn't.
I told them;
"Hi, how are.............hands closed tightly, hands raised up to the shoulders, all I said was.....Shit, Shit, Shit!
Can you imagine how carers and other Brain Injured people were affected by my performance!
I certainly was not a 10 out of 10 act.
It wasn't very nice, people must have thought that I was Mental"
As I said this; a lady called Donna walked across the room and cuddled me in front of all at the meeting.
I was only learning to speak properly, correctly, grammar perfectly.
People have just jumped on the same path as everyone else, not my path!!!
I had a great day with my thoughts and my sights..........Brilliant Day.
Till another day!

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