Saturday, November 23, 2013

Caffe Nero my coffee break time.

On Friday the 8th of November, I needed a lovely coffee at Caffe Nero again.
I love to sit there and have a hot Italian coffee and watch the world fly by at speed.
This time I sat through the back of the coffee rooms with the Store Manager, Dale Green and the Regional Area  Manager for Caffe Nero, Simon Robinson from the States.
We talked and talked whilst they were working, they are very interesting with their comments.
How on earth could I even listen to another one, complete some work to be done by myself and also answer some questons?
Simon and Dale achieved that so easily for me.
They still answered my questions and carried on working on the laptop and managed to ask each other questions and answers.
My brain could only accept one question at a time as the brain would cancel all the other questions.
This broken brain is getting better.

Simon Robinson and Dale Green, Caffe Nero Area Regional Manager and Caffe Nero Store Manager
I talked alot with great company. Well, we all talked alot.
Caffe Nero you have some wonderful employees here, all over, even in Glasgow.
What great training that all the staff recieve these days.
Lots of training over a coffee to be made!
Excellent Caffe Nero...........ThanX for making my coffee breaks a pleasure.

I sat and watched the sun travel.

Then the X appeared.

The sun rested on "X  Marks The Spot"
Where am I if X marks the spot!
 Possibly Caffe Nero............Who knows!

Loch Lomond at Balloch.

After the coffee, I took the pencil to draught the picture of Loch Lomond at Balloch onto paper before I attempt any picture on canvas.
Coffee breaks are great to sit back and dream about your next creative challenge, and now I've started. 

What shall I open up next after having a brain injury.....Hmmmmm!
Who Knows!
I Wonder!

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