Friday, November 22, 2013

Ha, Ho, Hi Laughter Contagious. He, Hee, Heee!

The 2nd week of November 2013.

It was a funny day from the start to the end.

When I meet up with Chris in the morning, we see each other from a distance then the laughter comes out instead of saying Hello! We find the silliest things to laugh about, it's priceless.
This is our HA, HA, HA, HO, HO, HO, HI, HI, HI Laughter Class.

Ha, Ha, Ha, Hi, Hi, Hi, Ho, Ho, Ho!

Tracy was inspiring us to be magical with imaginational Maraques.
Let's Go Maraques'

I can use all my imagination and be the greatest Maraque Player for the audience today.
I do a little side step dance movement from the chair. The brain can dance to the memories and sounds of the Maraques......Perfect !
I was constantly drying my eyes.
My cheeks were sore with the laughter.
I think I should just .........laugh again!
Yes.......I will.
    All the tables got into the groove, our hands were shaking our arms in the flow.

    This has been the funniest, hillarious laughter day.
    A great day, superb.
    Tom and Chris with their laughter jokes. Hee, Hee, Hee.
    Then the jokes came abundantly, lots of them, plenty

The next day I met Janet & Mathew Murey, I heard the  voice before I could see him.
I made my way towards him from behind and I sneeked up and whispered into his ear, "Hello!"
Well, he managed to put my name into his song and smiled the biggest smile to me.
His wife Janet appeared and that was us all .......gazzumped!
We went for our blether with a coffee, we do talk a lot these days.

  • It was Mathew Murey, Swing & Classic hits over the decades......
  • Mathew Murey Singer & Mark Hudson, Group Support Worker @ DORA, your mental health champions.

Mark Hudson walked by and waved to us so then we all had time for another picture.
It's nice to introduce each me!
I usually talk to Mark about my haemorrhage, the ins and outs and the after effects that has happened with a brain injury. 
He's very clear the way things are explained to me at DORA, I appreciate what he says to me.
Every day is a new learning day.
Have I ever had or known as many wonderful talented people appearing right in front of me these days. That's amazing to me.
Thank you all for having spent your time and patience with me as I'm getting my life back again.
Brain Injuries can be very frustrating as you cannot get everything back at the click of your fingers. Snap.... and Your Back! You can snap your fingers but it takes a long, long time, even years.
Now I say......ONE DAY!

I smile every time I hear Mathew Murey sing. ThanX

Janet and I, keeping up with the goss about how the world is today.
It was a great afternoon of nattering after the musical swinging songs with Mathew Murey & Janet
A superb afternoon with Janet & Mathew Murey.
We accidently meet up often.........When Next, Eh!

Au revoir, until the next meeting Janet & Mathew (say Hi to Ralph please XXX)


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