Saturday, July 14, 2012

Monday 9th July 2012

Monday 9th July 2012

Got up this morning at 03:40am, I needed again for the toilet. I went to bed again sleep, then I woke up 6ish for toilet again. Then I slept till 08:05, I went and had my breakfast, it’s now 09:20am , I’m ready for my farm  in 10minutes, catch you later.

Well I had the most enjoyable morning at the Clowne Farm. We sorted out more vegetable seeds and did more weeding and fixing of the leaves, made them all pretty and shiny. We finished our work at 12:30 then we went to see Ian (our manager) we
paid for our morning shift. I was yawning in the back of the car all the way home. I felt so exhausted after the small amount  of effort from me. I need to get into my exercises as before, I will get fit, I am strong and positive.
When I finished my lunch it was 01:30, nice sandwiches, yum, yum, I felt so hungry, then I thought I would sleep, but I never did, my head was so busy with my  thoughts.

I put pictures on my Facebook, they were Pip and Meg, the dogs, they belonged to Ian, he was our manager and owner of the farm. Ian has given us some work on the farm to get us back into our life .It has been great.

9:59pm I sent David a text here goes;
Hello this is Blobby Blob, nite, nite, blob blob blob blob blob blob
David answers me; Nite nite to you blobby blob blob. Remember all blobs rule  and you are the supreme chief, queenie queen, top notch, superb, wonderful, goddamn gorgeous, magical hardoretabulus, blobtastic, blobmeister!B-).
Its ten past midnight and I feel that my body is getting back to its old self. Getting into
an old routine, I feel all the  way that my body tells me what is going on. Hey I should be a doctor or a lecturer or a scientist. Now that would be pretty cool. Nite, Nite

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