Sunday, February 25, 2018

Inspire Community Garden - Ramp continues....11/02/2018

More work continued on the ramp at the caravan.

It was a bitter cold morning which brought a winter sun and a flutter of snow to appear.

People arrived to collect their pre-ordered potatoes.

A busy day for pre-ordered potatoes.

The daffodils are appearing through the earth at the side of Polytunnel one.



                                                                        To Be Continued................

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Inspire Community Garden - Spring Cleaning the Polytunnel 07/02/2018

Spring Cleaning started on the inside of the latest Polytunnel

There was great reflections on the inside of the Polytunnel from the trees.

 It was still extremely cold as the pond was still frozen in the afternoon's brilliant sunshine!

                                                                To Be Continued..............