Sunday, February 3, 2013

Friday 26th October

I woke up and had my Fruit and Fibre cereal with a little pinch of Soy Sauce on it???
It fell on the floor and broke its bottle body right in front of me. Poor Soy Sauce :(
I had to clean up all my mess. Poor me!
I spent the morning with my spotty physician; we laughed and laughed at just about anything and everything. I think we should run for a gossip athletic medal. :)
I was told not to go to the swimming because of my Prolapse?
I thought that the best exercise for me would be to go and swim, I realised that  everyone had an other view.
I thought that swimming was the best way to recover from my prolapse.
Why does no one understand about my prolapse? It’s not a great big problem, it’s just a little hiccup in my after gone big serious brain injury.
My sickness was all my own, so my fight is all by myself.
Janiece and I made it into town instead of the swimming. We made arrangements to meet our friend Richard Green.
We were going into Sheffield, down to the canal for a big chinwag.
We were just coming into town when, I got a bit of shock/horror.
I started rummaging through my bag, BLAST?
I had left my pressie at home. I think my brain was on a wee siesta. DOH!
Janiece and I pulled up to the canal and buzzed ourselves in.
When we parked the car we got into Richard’s office, there was a person buzzing about the shop. Janiece and I decided to have a coffee next door as they had computer problems and network problems so he had to leave to sort out all his problems.  
We didn’t want to just throw ourselves into a big muddle at work, so we just went next door for our lunch. We started having fun in the coffee shop, well I loved being a big entertainer, making a lot of commotion around me. As we were leaving after our lunch I got a picture of the coffee lunch shop. It was called THE QUAYS 1819.
I thought that it looked pretty inside and outside. :)
As we got to the car we noticed that we had enough time to get home in time for Janiece’s spinning class. When we eventually got home, Janiece had enough time to get herself ready so we could just walk round to the fitness club. Once we got in there, we swished into the spinning class. Should I pirouette on my way in?
Janiece met her spinning friends, it was Debbie and John, they were so cheerful with my company in the spinning class.
I was given a seat in the room with them. Hey, I was going to enjoy them SWEATING. :)
I could imagine their legs pumping faster, their heads soaking with all the sweat.
As I sat in the chair, I enjoyed the music being played for the work out.
I moved my legs whilst on my bum, my feet were dancing, and my arms started dancing all over my body. The top part of my body was dancing, I was on the groove.
I kept taking pictures of here and there in the room.
I thought ZUMBA!
Is that the name of the spinning class or is it the name of the fitness company word?
Now this pretty cute young man is David Knaper.
Now, if I was 3 months younger, Eh!
Hey, I’m 49yrs old now so I can dream. :)
David is a very good fitness lad. He pushes them to exceed their own desires.
Once everyone was finished with the spinning, it was time to get off the bikes and look forward to their stretching of their bodies.
David was in the front looking at all his class; everyone was doing all the right movements for him.
As I sat there, I thought about myself now!
I felt, LEFT OUT.
I’m being rather dramatic now; he, he.
I looked into the mirrors right in front of me and suddenly I thought: I shall wave to myself to take a picture of myself to get myself into my story. Clever, Eh!
You see! Me, me, me. “Voila, I am here all by myself again”
Hey, that bum right in front of me is pretty cute too. “Ooops, naughty me!”
David turned up for Janiece and myself. At last someone took my picture. :)
We all went into the bar for our wee chat again.
I started telling them all about my little friends Graham Jean Paul and Madame FiFi.
Oops and Pedro the centipede.
I was being very dramatic again with all my movements, while I was telling my story.
Debbie and Janiece both shared their rose vino. I had my fruit juice, and John and %%%%
David had their Witherton beers.
The stories were flying backwards and forwards and all of a sudden there was a very special addition to our group. YES. It was David Knaper.
Well, here I go, for his age, he is a wee cutie, I just want to press his cheeks.
Ha, ha.
Then we sat down, together, “Ooh, misses, he scrounged my hair.” We were cheeky!
When we got home it was medication time, so I fed myself.
I like to keep on top of my druggies. :)
Once I had my medication I started feeling tired. I went upstairs and made up my blow up bed, I put on my sheet, duvet and blankets. I just had to get ready for bed.
Once I was ready for bed, I went down the stairs to say goodnight.
David and Janiece got themselves ready for the movie on the T.V.
I went upstairs to bed and fell asleep straight away.


Thursday 25th October

I woke up early this morning, knowing that Steve Government and K-K-K-Katie was on their way round this morning. They are so helpful; they listen to all my problems.
As we were discussing all my problems, we started sniggering.
Steve went on about a time that had happened to me in Osbourne.
Hey, we had lots of stories from before when I was in Osbourne.
Straight away we sniggered about my nappy pants.
Steve and I told K-K-K-Katie about that day, she laughed too.

That is a good line for my book or should I get someone to make a movie????
I had just got out of my catheter and I needed to go to the toilet.
I had been put in big nappy pant.
I needed the toilet so I needed to go, Now!
My sister Christine told me to wet my pants.
I was shocked?
I said “I need the toilet!”
Again she said to me to “Just wet my pants!!!” SHOCK/HORROR
I told her again, that I needed the toilet!
To me it felt awful, to wet something, that was wrong for me to do that.
Does my family not understand what is right for me, keep dry not wet!

Anyway, we had the greatest morning with the goings on just now in my life.
The smiling picture of K-K-K-Katie and Steve, I know what you were laughing about, so did I laugh!!! What a great brain we all have. :)
Great brains together. Hmmmmmm.
K-K-K-Katie and I got a picture with Pauletta, my nurse.
She laughed too at all our gossiping.
My ring kept changing with the colours so fast today.
Now that did make me laugh. :)
Sleep well everyone, I will :) XXX

Wednesday 24th October

I woke up at 7:30am.
I had Weetabix toast and coffee.
It is 8:30am and I am tired again so I have just bye, byed with my fingers to you all.
I took a picture of this mist that follows me again. What is this all about!
I’m off to bed again.
It is now 11:42am and heavily misty.
Does the mist hang around me to stop me from seeing all the bitterness in the air!
It was only 10:25am and I turned on the T.V.
I was very sleepy, sleepy and then I tried to watch  Ian Wright on the Wright Show.
It was all about the Tories and the benefits.
Was that little a LATINA with white skin and RED hair GULP?
Would longer sentences deter criminals?
I then watched Philip Schofield on This Morning!
They were talking about the NHS and our bodies: yae or nae!
Every person needs to have as much inspiration to become alive!
A computer should not be in charge of our brains.
People, everyone, surgeons, family should all look into our eyes for the smallest, tiniest glimmer of light to come back home.
I know.
That happened to me!
When I was under the scanner, my brain was flat, dead, buggered, done in?
Mr Patel and Janiece they seen me alive in my eyes. :) :)
I would have just been clicked off/dead.
I can only say THANK YOU again. XXX
Dionne Warwick, can you remember her from olden days?
What a great band eh!
She was on the sofa and she was talking about all the loss that she has been under.
So many friends and family but she is a rebel and fights on :)
I seen Clive Smith on the programme, poor Clive lost his legs, he was in the Army and was on the forces in Afghanistan. He is going to do his Poppy Appeal and he hopes to help collect money to put towards the 40 million pounds for the charity.
He is a proud man.
It was 11:42am and I started getting tired again.
The fog was creeping in over the trees, I heavily slept.
It was the afternoon, about 2ish. I woke up from my sleep.
My manager and her friend came into my room to check that I was ok.
I cried and cried again.
Why do bad words affect me so badly??
My poor body has been so heavy and tired to co-operate with me!
I went down to the kitchen at 14:40 for some toast and coffee.
Why did I lose another day!
What did I have for my dinner later?
I can’t remember any more.
I went to bed just after 9pm, and I gave in to everything else.

Tuesday 23rd October


I got up at 4am to go to the loo.
I looked at Paulina and I had to do something else, think, think, think.
I thought the nurses headdress?
EYES; Two by sunglasses
HEADDRESS; Nurses hat?
I got into bed and slept sharply/minutes again.


Someone chapped on my door, my head could not co-ordinate for me.
My body was so heavy for me.
Just the act of opening the door was such a cruel happening to me.
I couldn’t even open my voice to the door.
When I eventually made my move, there was no one at the door. I was about to leave the hallway and I seen my lady of the day, Juoquinita.
She arrived with my medication again and asked me if I was ok.
I told her that my body was so heavy and when I opened my eyes the left eye had been crying all by itself.
When I got into my room I knew why I was crying!
My clear vision of my dream was in my room here.
There were 5 people in my room. Janiece, David, myself and two others.
I had another knock on my dream door.
I opened up my door and it was Robert, my son.
When I looked at Robert I had the biggest smile on my face.
In my dream, I asked Robert to come into my room.
As soon as Robert put his first toe over the hall/bedroom place he turned into a three year old child. He was 3 yrs old? I picked him up in my arms and spun him around.
Where did his weight and his height go to.
My dream was so close to me, I felt that it was happening right now.
Robert moved into the back of David’s legs. As I looked down into his eye’s they were so big and sad, his face was frightened, just like me last week at the hospital to see Boyd. My sickness was flooding back to me again.
When will this stop.
In my dream I asked Janiece and David to leave the room so Robert the child and I could talk about the sadness and the frightens.
I thought that there was only Robert and myself but there was two more figures.
I could not break their faces from my dream, I didn’t know who they were!
I went downstairs for a coffee.
I was waiting for the kettle and suddenly more staff arrived. I felt quite uncomfortable with the people side of things. Things tried to enlarge in my mind, I had to leave, A.S.A.P.
I went back to sleep. I thought that I just closed my eyes for two moments but my body slept and slept. I could not understand what my body was doing to me.
Was my body being so weary with all the bitterness and cruelty being thrown about?
I eventually looked out the window and the mist still hung about the trees again.


By the time I got ready for my breakfast it was 14:40pm.
Now, that did shock me!
What have I done today! Half a day? Nothing?
Ian and his friend Jeff came around to do the window cleaning today, it was quite cute to have a conversation with Ian through the window. He was up the ladder washing the windows and I was sitting at my desk typing away. Conversing. Pretty cool.

My body is so tired and heavy.
My feet are so tired and heavy.

I went down for my dinner, it was just after five O’clock, I think?
I got a beautiful burger and nice fries or would you call them chips?
I dragged my body back upstairs.
I was tired.
I was heavy.
I’m off to bed.
Goodnight to myself.

Monday 22nd October

I woke up just after 07:00am.
I got my Fruit & Fibre and toast and coffee. I was starting my new day again.
I love my new day every day.
I watched the T.V. this morning it was presented by Psychic Sally Morgan.
She was doing a Tour on the Road with her Psychic stage.
Do I think that I may like to be held by a psychic persona! Hmmmm.

I got myself ready for the Clowne Community Care Farm.
My Monday morning’s my good luck badge, every Monday, rain or frost or snow!
I will be there :)
When we reach my comfort area I see the geese the pigs, Pip and her ball.
She makes me smile straight away. :)
Ian has just turned up with Jack, they have all the food and all the dogs, on force.
Joe is such a pretty calm boy, he loves to stick his nose into everything.
I went into the office and had words with Rachael, private words, she has such a pretty face and I did tell her that. She is so easy to talk to with the greatest smile.
We were talking about my Dear All letters that I put on the blog.
Di was so amazed at my words that I used.
I have never experienced the biggest cuddle from Di for my openness of my family.
All I can say is that she was GOBSMACKED, she was dumb spoken now.
We all chit chatted about my embarrassment of my family.
We did talk.
I got back to the animals and looked at the goose next door and the wee cuddly rabbits, I had to check out what and who needed my attention first.
Salvatore would and always will be my first my attention.
I did what I could in my little time left.
I went into the office to speak to Jack about the keys for the next field. I needed to empty out the wheelbarrows with the old materials for the mulch in the ground.
Jack just threw me the keys and I was very confident in my next job, open the next field all by myself?
When I opened the gate I put the keys straight back into my pocket and zipped it up.
Smellier, but at least it’s done.
When I finished my job, I needed a hand to close the field with the padlock.
Some things can be so small for me even just now but it feels humungous to me?
I have done what was in my power today. I got back into the office to see Jack.
I was going to give him the keys and I got another big cuddle and kiss from him.
Bless Jack; he is such a nice boy with his biggest smile.
Just before I was leaving, I asked Ian for a new invoice.
What I meant was a new invoice not a photocopy of my old invoice that I handed in?
Sometimes I wonder about all our brains. :)
I said bye, bye to the geese as I was on my way back home. I shall see you later!
I felt tired when I got home but I needed to clean my jacket from all the dirt!
As I was wiping it down I realised there was something in my pocket?
Why did I not check before I left ~ ~ ~ ~
My brain was waving all over the place.
I phoned Di at the Clowne Farm and confessed my hiccup.
Di put me on to the phone to Ian the owner of Clowne Farm.
Its ok there was no great calamity about the keys straight away.
Ian proposed to pop down shortly for my Oops! accident.
We just laughed at my stupid crime :)
I had my lunch of a ham sandwich and then I looked out of the window.
There was so much mist in the air, what was coming down to eat me!!!
Ian turned up for the keys.
I got the keys and we done our “give and take” of the keys. Thank goodness.
When we finished our keys job, I went back to my room. The mist was still hanging!
It was like one of those creepy movies on the T.V.
“The mist creeps over the landscape with two eyes?”
Hey, that’s a good line for a creepy movie! I must keep that. Eh!
I had my job done and my dinner done, I just wanted to lie there doing nothing.
I did not think about anything. My mind had an evening off without me.


My mind started getting very active again.
I cannot control my mind when it is on a motion for answers.
I put the big pink fuzzy roller on my chair. I had just my 9pm drugs.
I wanted to know what was bothering me. YES, FLUFFY?
I looked at the pinkness; it reminded me of my cloud system in my eyes.
Think, think, think!
I thought, a headdress, eyes, nothing else in just now. Right finished.
EYES; Two, by sunglasses
HEADDRESS; Princess Crown?
I got into bed and fell asleep sharply/minutes.
I slept like a baby.