Friday, March 17, 2017

Inspire Community Garden - Visitors & Potting Shed 12/3/2017

Sunday morning Alan, Tam & Valerie came to have a wee peek at the Inspire Community Garden.
They looked at the caravan then went on a tour of the garden and learning all that was being done.

They were looking at the strawberry plot and the soft fruit cage then onto see The Tree Fella at work.

It will be good to see what creation Tam makes from this piece of wood.

Alan takes a look at the Wicker Chair and decides to take a pew!
Tam did mention that he couldn't take this Wicker Chair home!!!

The tour was finished then it was back to work in the garden.
The hedging that was placed was already showing some greenery.

You can really start to see the garden grow again as the daffodils at the side of the poly tunnel are now showing their blooms.

 We were given some chocolate flapjacks to have at the end of lunch which went down a real treat.

Then worked continued to put the potting shed upright.

 The greenhouse had more TLC to bring it back to before the storm.

 I then found a random Bluebell cluster coming through the surface of the soil.                                                      

There was also unexpected daffodils that appeared as they show the bulb; we never seen these blooms last year as the whole place was densely overgrown waste ground. Look carefully to the picture below and you can see the bulb in daylight. We'll wait until the bloom finishes and they will be planted in appropriate areas of the garden.

The rhubarb is growing and I'll check on how well it grows weekly.
The last of the strawberry plants were transferred to pots and rehoused to new ground.

I added more paint to the doorway of of the composting toilet.

The photographic record of all the wood logs and the jobs these will be doing in the near future

As we were finishing up for the day in the garden; I was pointed towards these little orange mushrooms and I'll to try find out what they are for safety reasons within the garden.

Another good day working in the garden and another progressive day that was done by all........

                                              To Be Continued..........................................

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