Monday, August 15, 2016

Inspire Community Garden 24th July

I've been away from the garden for 2 weeks and what a huge change already with the cover for the Polytunnel. It's great to see the water system with the gutter along each side of the polytunnel and the connection to the water containers when it rains. They have dug down into the earth to make it easy to put the water cans down to access the taps......
It's Brilliant!


They have found square tiles, very interesting!

I seem to be constantly impressed when I see all the changes and how quickly things grow.

The large pumpkin is looking rather sick as the colour of the leaves are very peeky and yellow. The other pumkin's are looking healthy with big dark green leaves.

The sweetcorn and grown tremendously and I'm 5ft 2" so they are doing very well.

The boulder was moved with the strength of three.
I was just exhausted watching this, but they done it.
Well Done.

Another well was found on the other side of the sitting/lunch tree area.

When the boulder was moved it has opened up a bee hive.
The bees keep digging on the earth to find their home.

There must be an underground bee hive
I think a Bee Hive could be on our wish list?


The Garden Grows.......

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