Sunday, January 12, 2014

Christmas Day in Letchworth

My time had finished with the gift paintings; the next day I travelled to Letchworth.
I went with David and Janiece to his family for Christmas.
My head was getting filled up with lots of speach conversations, here, there and everywhere.
We were getting treated with a mixture of meats on our plate alongside all the vegetables.

Jake's got so tall now.

Great architecture to look at on a peaceful Christmas Day.
It was nice to meet Des's friends

Aaron, Sam & David

The finishing catch ups.
The table set.

Fruit juice cocktail.

A beautiful xmas dinner.

Tanisha & Adrian

Darcy and Grandmother

This is my grandma says Darcy.
Darcy looks out at the world;" Hello World!"

This is my special Christmas dress.


Un-doing the tissue wrap.

Ooh! Look at this toy. (Sh, it's from Pauline, ME<---)

My mum's enjoying to work all the actions for me!

Ooh! What does that button do!
Inquisitive to learn is Darcy Shelley Akindele Pemberton.

All the excitement again.


A breakfast set from Me<--- again I had fun buying gifts.

"This is my great grandfather Des" says Darcy.

More lovely gifts.

Darcy "Oops! the phone rang so Janiece had to take my calls  for me until I talk like Pauline "

(Here's my thoughts:-....................................................

For Darcy to learn as a child; that is what I have to do on a daily basis.
Possibly making repeated noises or sentances as a child would be fantastic, that would help the child to learn all the words in the vocabulary.
That's what has been happening to me!
When Adults see a baby, they automatically expect what shall come next from the child.
Smile, giggle, laugh, make noise, cry, a usual action.
Ignore what you may look at and see me; myself; my brain has been going through all the years from chilhood until now. I'm still the Adult though, has anyone realised what the brain goes through!
Has anyone truthfully treated a brain injured person like myself who has had this after effect; have they, spoken to me as an adult, judged my mental behaviour, even tried to take control of me and decide what is the best thing for me!
As you see this child Darcy, you all think of........She's a child..... so that's Ok!
Therefore; if your an adult with a heavy brain trauma who mentally thinks perfectly but how you translate your speach or slur as you talk, your not good enough for their perfect world?
What happened to our Voices what happened to our Acceptance.
"Where we have been; or where we still are!"
I wonder if anyone really accepts us for the dis-ability that we have been through or even where we still are or where we have been since the first breath of air!
Does the whole world ACCEPT US!
Have a think about this.

End of my thoughts! .......................................)

Darcy held her audience for the afternoon with the biggest smile and her eyes missing nothing. A funfilled day. ;-)
 It was lovely to share that moment of Christmas with laughter, smiles, food and gifts.
Thank you all XXX

It's been wonderful and fun as I catch up all the smiles for my memories

It was time for bed for Darcy and myself.

The end of my Christmas Day.

An exhausting day for me.
I had the most wonderful exhausting day, my brain was getting so tired as it was trying to catch up on all the different conversations. I honestly lost track on what was saying at the start of the day.
Thats Life!
The brain is getting better..........I hope!
I'm off to sleep now; I need the brain to rest.
Tomorrow is another day!

Goodnight All XXX

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