Monday, July 31, 2017

Inspire Community Garden - 'OPEN DAY' 30/07/2017

It was an early morning start to get all the preparations done for the Open Day of the garden.
There was also the start of a promotional film being recorded by American film producer & line producer Rob Speranza from Brooklyn, New York who runs the South Yorkshire Filmmakers Network ( and has done so since 2004
The pizza oven was lit early so that the the oven would be at the right temperature for the pizza's to bake from and there was lots of pizza toppings which were placed out on the chef's working table.

Tables and chairs were placed and wiped clean in the seated areas for the visitors to sit down with a pizza, a wee cuppa and cake.

Then The Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) butterfly came to inspect the chairs

Worked continued in the garden as it was time to pick the French dwarf beans that were ready to eat.

The children were busy joining the treasure hunt for certain plastic animals hidden as they walked with a guide and family through the garden.

Filming continued and the children were still finding the animals in very well hidden places.

There was a few Councillors who attended; who were already regular visitors to the garden as they always like to see the new things that have been created in this land space.

There was a Zip Line created for the children to balance and walk along from one tree to another.
They balanced and crossed it with so much ease; even I found it very difficult when I tried to achieve this balancing walk once before!

How technology has grown in many ways over the last 10 or 20 years has been pretty amazing.
Would I be here now if it wasn't for the technology!...........Only God Knows!
Another selfie with the producer team before he leaves the garden then my family arrive with a wave.

It's been lovely to see that my sister had raised some donation funds for the Inspire Community Garden Charity.

It's always lovely to see the Police Community Support Officers (PCSO) attend our Open Day

I was taken down to the area for the den building and showed a roof shelter with tree branches that was raised above the ground with the aid of tree trunks. Next was the shelter of a Teepee with long tree branches, rope and fabric and another Teepee which became a swing to hold the weight of who sat and swung on the swing.

I was amazed that children created a strong piece to play with in such a short space of time.

The Silver Cross pram always takes me back in time to quality and strength and even now; however old it is this Silver Cross has still got it's beauty.

                                                             To Be Continued.....................

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